Nnnname blotted out of the lamb's book of life

Their names had been placed there by god before the foundation of the world. The book of life contains the names of every person who ever lived. He who overcomes will thus be clothed in white garments. He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment. New living translation all who are victorious will be clothed in white.

In a similar fashion, the words, i will not blot out his name from the book of life, at once suggest the understatement of a litotes. Others say the book of life has the names of everyone living and that names can be blotted out, and that the lambs book of life contains the names of born again believers and those names are eternally secure. Im reading a book that says names are not added to the book of life, they are blotted out. To have ones name written in the book of life implied the privilege of participation in the temporal blessings of the theocracy, while to be erased or blotted out of this book meant exclusion. It says we will be blotted out if we fail to meet certain conditions. How you may know your name is in the lamb s book of life jesse m. A book of life is mentioned specifically on seven different occasions in the new testament. Where in the bible does it say that names will be blotted. What does it mean to be blotted out of the book of life. I believe the lambs book of life and the book of life are two different books.

These references to blotting out of the book of life allow only two. After the lamb was found worthy to receive the book having seven seals as described in revelation 5, john referred to the book with a possessive noun, calling it, the lambs book of life revelation 21. The lamb s book of life records the names of those who have placed their trust in the lord jesus christ. Whichever approach you choose, it is important to note that while scripture does teach about getting blotted out of the book of life, this does not ever refer to losing eternal life. According to scripture, your name is written in this book of life when you accept jesus as your savior. Here, quoted from the modern king james version of the bible, are all of the passages of the old and new testaments that contain the words the book of life or the lambs book of life. The lambs book of life not everyone has his or her name written in the lambs book of life. Jan 19, 2016 and i think it is not quite precise to say, as charles does, in quite a few of the scriptures it mentions you can be blotted out of the book of life. Sadly, many christians fear this may happen to them.

Can your name be blotted out of the lambs book of life. One book the book of life contains all of mankind s names in it. Nowhere in these passages do we read about movement from one book to another. The book refers to the place in exodus where moses prays, but now please forgive their sin, but if not, then blot me out of the book you have written, and god replies, everyone who has sinned against me i will blot out of my book. Certain passages imply that names are blotted out removed from the book ex. Let his posterity be cut off, and in the generation following let their name be blotted out. For the believer, while our earthly lives may come to an end, our life is not over and our names are not blotted out of the book of life. Therefore, the way to avoid being blotted from the book of life is to get your name written in the lamb s book of life. If a person committed crimes, or otherwise defiled his standing in the city, he could be called before a tribunal and his name removed from the city registry, literally blotted out. Lets begin with an understanding of what the lambs book of life is. Please give scriptural references that substantiate your viewpoint. It belongs to jesus christ and is called the lambs book of life revelation 21. Late night meditations on the book of life desiring god.

There is no mention of being blotted out of this book. To have your name blotted out you must reject gods plan of salvation. Blotting out of names the book of life learn the bible. I will never erase their names from the book of life, but i will announce before my. Of these, six appear in the book of revelation and one in philippians. And i did not know that they had devised plots against me, saying. We had an email question from a reader which asked about whether or not our names can be blotted out of the lamb s book of life. They suggest that the second book the lambs book of life is the book where only the true believers names are written and whose names will never be blotted out. I will never blot out his name from the book of life. They further argue that god, who knows the future, would never list a name in the book of life in the first place if it would have to be blotted out later. It is not sinning against one another that blots a persons name out of the book of life but it is the sin against god in not acknowledging that jesus is lord of your life that causes god to blot your name out of the book of life. May 18, 2007 can your name be blotted out of the lamb s book of life. And we learned that we overcome by faith in jesus christ 1 john 4.

Consequently, this means that believers names were written in the book of life before god made the world. The book of life is mentioned only eight times in the entirety of scripture. Book of life vs lambs book of life baptist christian forums. How you may know your name is in the lambs book of life. The book of life also called the lambs book of life is a record containing the names of those who have overcome sin through accepting jesus as christ having a spiritual rebirth. So then, at the great white throne judgment, if their names are not found in the book of life, it will show them to be unsaved and worthy of partaking in this particular judgment. All through the bible we read about people whose names are written in a book. The lord did not say that he would blot out the name of israel from under heaven, but he. Will god ever blot a believers name out of the book of life. God erases a believers name from the lambs book of lifethere is never even a warning. And i will never blot out his name from the book of life, but i will confess his name. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for a born again child of god to be blotted out of the lamb s book of life or to loose his salvation. Fortunately, scripture does explicitly tell us this elsewhere, as we see in the following passages.

The book of life and the blotting out of backsliders forums. Names blotted out of the book of lifeshocking info. Dec 17, 2016 in order to show how essential it is to have ones name in the lambs book of life, john said, and if any was not found written in the book of life, he was cast into the lake of fire rev. Id always thought our names were added to the lamb. Book of life all books the book of life and all books of life. What would it mean to have ones name erased from the lambs. Ones name is not written in at birth, nor does he or she have it written in by the sovereign choice of god. Therefore, i believe the lamb s book is a different book. But someone may say, still, everyone could have been written in and only unbelievers blotted out. Bibleline broadcast network bbn recommended for you 41. The life signified by the book is not mere human life but the eternal life purchased by the lamb.

Jun 25, 2015 is your name written in the lamb s book of life. Another solution holds that the lambs book of life differs from the book of life. Furthermore, the passages that indicate one can be blotted out of the book of life do not stipulate that they were saved or unsaved. These passages do not prove, however, that unbelievers names were never in the book of life and then later blotted out.

And if your name is in this book, that means you have repented of your sins and accepted jesus christ as your personal savior and you are spiritually born again from above. Are names written in the book of life, or blotted out of. And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, god shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city revelation 22. I will confess his name before my father and before his angels. There is only one book of life, and names can be removed. If any ones name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire. Those who reject have had their names blotted out of the lambs book of life. Having established that the names of the redeemed appear to have been recorded in the book at the time of their election eph. At death, their names will be blotted out of the book of life because their physical lives are over and they have no spiritual life. Oct 20, 2019 there is only one way to know your name is written in the lambs book of life. God wanted them to be saved but he will not save anybody against his will. The other book the lamb s book of life contains the names of the redeemed alone. Further, their names will not be blotted out of the book of life, another metaphor for eternal life. God is supposed to have a book of the living in his possession, which contains the names of all those on whom he looks with favour, and whom he will bless both in this world and beyond the grave comp.

Its great to know ones name is in the lambs book of life and his promise to all the saved is, i will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but i will confess his name before my father, and before his angels revelation 3. Those who believe have their names retained in the book rev. Are we saved as long as our name is written in the book. Is there a difference between the book of life and the.

This brings up the subject of the assurance of our salvation. Many bible translations substitute tree of life for book of life in this verse, due to the fact that most greek manuscripts have this reading. Nothing unclean shall enter the new jerusalem, nor any one who practices abomination or falsehood, but only those who are written in the lambs book of life. Some try to use the fact that there is a heavenly book of life to prove the impossibility of apostasy. At this point, the book of life becomes known as the lambs book of life, for it contains the list of everyone who has life in jesus, the lamb of god. Only one time is it mentioned outside of the book of revelation. Let them be blotted out of the book of life, and not be written with the righteous. From this list, as from any register of earthly citizenship, the names of. If we cannot lose our salvation, why does the bible speak about names being blotted out of the book of life. Worthy ministries is happy to announce that after years of labor and prayer to this end, worthy news and worthy devotions are now available for churches and ministries, free of charge and free of advertising through our new syndication network. This is his monument not in cold stone, not in chiseled marble, not in plaques of bronze, not in ancient parchments, not in weighty documents, but given by the very finger of god upon human hearts. Once written in the book of life, can your name ever be erased from this book.

Can a persons name be erased from the book of life. Which shows that you are one of god s heavenly children or citizens which was written. I dont think it ever says you can be blotted out, at least not in the sense that sometimes god does it. Book of life of the lamb a book which records only those individuals who are.

Is it possible for a persons name to be erased from the. Christians, can names be blotted out of the lambs book of. Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered before the lord, and let not the sin of his mother be blotted out. The lambs book ha the names of all mankind and the lambs book of life has only the names of the redeemed whch will never be blotted out. No christian will have his name blotted from that book. Brother bill, is there a scripture to back up your idea or just a way to maintain the doctrine of once saved always saved. Pouring new wine in old wineskins is not recommended. We know that none can be blotted out of the lamb s book, because no one who has been saved is ever lost. There is only one book of life, and names can be removed from. The twobook proponents seem to reason that if a particular scripture passage speaks of names being added to the book of life, then this must be the lambs book of. Blotted out of the book of life protestant reformed churches.

Names blotted out commentary a testimony of jesus christ. The lamb s book of life seems to have those written in it who have been redeemed by the blood of the lamb of godjesus christ. May 21, 2014 i have been reading some conflicting opinions concerning the book of life and the lambs book of life. Sep 14, 2006 the lamb s book of life is a new covenant book, the book of life where names are blotted out is the old covenant book.

The book of life is the names of everyone ever born. This verse is usually involved in the debate concerning. In other words, being erased is a fearful prospect, which i will not allow to happen to those who persevere. Book of life a book which records the name of every individual ever born. Ancient israel had some kind of roll of citizens ps. This view goes on to state that while unbelievers can be blotted out of the book. In each passage the reference is concerning ones name being found in or not found in the book of life. In revelation it talks about the lambs book of life that will be opened on the day of judgement. I will not blot out his name out of the book of life. What do we do to get our names in the lambs book of life. It simply says, to the one who is in the book, and who conquers in faith.

Lambs book of life bible verses in the king james version kjv about. Several passages in scripture mention being blotted out of the book of life. All who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the book of life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world revelation. I used to believe as you that once saved always saved. I will not erase his name from the book of life does not necessarily imply that some do have their names erased. The lamb who has been slain from the creation of the world has a book in which are written all those who have been redeemed by his sacrifice. Some believe they are different books, some believe they are the. I have been reading some conflicting opinions concerning the book of life and the lamb s book of life. Those who are unsaved are blotted out of the book ps.

How does a name get added to the book of life and can it be erased. Is it possible for a persons name to be erased from the book of life. This verse is usually involved in the debate concerning eternal security. If a person never calls upon the lord jesus christ for salvation, the theory is that this persons name will be blotted out of the book of life. Another version of this scenario is that the lamb s book of life differs from the book of life.

I will not erase his name from the book of life does not. The lambs book of life, gods new covenant seek it not in the starry skies, nor in the sweet bye and bye seek it in a life transformed. There is one book of life, and that is the book of the lamb book is a translation from the greek word biblio, strongs 976. His eternal identity rests on the fact that he is an individual whose name is written in heaven luke 10. Jun 28, 2011 those whose names are written in the book of life are those who receive salvation. Can a believers name be blotted out of the book of life. Christians, can names be blotted out of the lambs book of life. Besides the holy scriptures, this is by far the most important book. To have ones name written in this book means that one is considered righteous before god and will inherit eternal life provided he or she remains faithful to.

Is it possible for a persons name to be erased from the book. Jan 28, 2009 yes, the end of revelations tells us that if we add to or change the words of the bible then your name will be blotted out. This passage reveals that names can be blotted out of the book of life. The following is an excerpt from the macarthur new testament commentary on revelation 3.

Cities in john s day had a city register which listed the names of every citizen. This will cause god to blot your name out of the book of life at the time for your death. May 18, 2007 in revelation it talks about the lamb s book of life that will be opened on the day of judgement. By contrast, those with their names written from the foundation of the world represent the truly saved of that covenant registry. Only those who overcome the sins of this world will be clothed in white raiment, and they will not risk getting their names blotted out of the book of life. The lambs book of life is different from the book of life and only has those who will be saved, but the names are unsaved in the lambs book of life until they become born again as well. Nov 24, 2007 the book of life and the lamb s book of life are two different books the book of life is a book recording the names of all who ever lived. Everyone whose name appears in this book on the last day will be saved. And the bible shows that our loving god has a plan that involves giving everyone a full chance to repent and be saved 2 peter 3. Blotting out of the book of life, or the lamb s book of life simply represents those in a congregational covenant relationship with god, being cut off from god.